Thursday, July 30, 2009

Kanakuk Kamps Health Update

The following email was sent to valid email addresses of all 2009 Kanakuk Kamps families on 7-30-09 approximately 11:00am CST.
The summer is flying by, and we continue to be blessed beyond measure! This last week has been unseasonably cool at night, warm and mostly sunny during the days. Perfect summer Kamp weather!

This summer has been 99% amazing in countless ways. Our focus has remained strong to see changed lives and reinforced morals and values and kids walking away with big smiles, great memories and a solid vibrant relationship with Christ. We’ve never had a better summer regarding that mission! The summer flu has been a challenge at times but not ever insurmountable. This term has been our best all summer. All of our Kamps except for one have had zero, one or two cases. One Kamp, on the boys’ side only, has continued to struggle. With the changeover, that should be alleviated. The boys germ-x and wash their hands at least six times per day and the cabins are sanitized at least two times per day. That Kamp is as vigilant as it gets. While this flu has modest symptoms, it is very contagious.

Reflecting back over the summer, we are most thankful for the support of our Kamp families. Despite the challenges with the flu you have been patient with us as we sought to provide the safest camping environment possible. We continue to be vigilant in the sanitizing of our facilities and monitoring each Kamper’s health. We will continue the pre-Kamp screening process for Kampers riding our buses and arriving via car or plane. We continue to see positive improvement from the efforts of all of us working together.

As we have communicated with you this summer, many of our families have taken the opportunity to reply with kind words and stories of the impact that Kanakuk continues to have on your children. Several families have voiced concerns about the flu, and we have enjoyed getting to know you better as we worked through the uncertainties. This really has been a time when the whole Kanakuk family has come together.

From my post here at K-Kauai, Kanakuk’s Family Kamp, I have witnessed myself and heard the reports of nurses, helpers and volunteer physicians in our health centers performing with great sacrifice, always seeking to serve first and rest only when their best had been done - an inspiring example of the “I’m Third” life being lived out as an example of Christ. It has been a tremendous blessing to share this summer with you and your children.

We will continue to keep you posted during these last few weeks of the summer. Thank you again for your grace and understanding.


Doug Goodwin
Chief Operating Officer
Kanakuk Ministries

Facebook friends make your comments in the original post at Inside Kanakuk.

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