Thursday, July 16, 2009

20 Things On My Desk

Click to enlarge

My friend Sam Hoover did the 25 things on his desk and challenged everyone to do the same so we could get to know each other. While my desk is more messy and has technically more items on it than Sam's I was only able to label 20 of them. So as scary as it is for you to see my desk here goes:

  1. "One (1) Gallon" of Clear Gel Hand Sanitizer With Aloe [sticky]
  2. Partially working Fuji S3 Camera (body only)
  3. Lemon CLIF Builder's "The entirely Natural Protein Bar" [thanks Deb]
  4. Kanakuk's Twitter Page: sometimes I update it. Design by Heidi Sonnenschein
  5. Invitation to Join SGT and Mrs. Jason Arellano at the premiere of Perfect Valor
  6. Left over cup from the K-1 Dining Hall. Ate lunch at my desk.[Thanks Mollye and Jeremy]
  7. The proof for the #1 disk of the Barnabas DVD Series
  8. Vinyl sign and lettering squeegee from SignsNow
  9. Post-it note with the email address of my favorite Infectious Disease Specialist
  10. One of the three pens I lifted from various offices the day we got the H1N1 test results back
  11. Drafts of letters to Kanakuk Colorado parents
  12. Sunglasses that used to say on them "Italy Made"
  13. Motorola Q, the version where the big barnacle battery lasts more than 3 hours
  14. Box knife and tea spoon
  15. 3 legged cow mascot
  16. iPod: newest song "Chasing the Daylight" by Phillip LaRue
  17. two post-it notes (L)"Cynthia Knock 2 times then come in" (R) "whatever."
  18. Some of the big mess on Mollye's floor
  19. My keys, but only half of them because the van is in the shop.
  20. A post-it note that has written on it "8 10 9/6 8/7" in my hand writing and I have no idea what it is or what it means.

So there you have it. It's not pretty. If I clean it I will post a picture.

Facebook friends make your comments in the original post at Inside Kanakuk.

1 comment:

Craig Johnson said...

This is incredible. My favorite is the box knife and tea spoon because those two just always go together.