Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Value of a Dollar

I won't very often take space here to share things of a personal nature but, I was impressed, in the fullest sense of the word, by this man...On Sunday, June 22nd our friend Paul Ostoich died after complications from back surgery. He was 79. The things that made him standout in the 14 years I knew him and probably his whole life are these:

1. On Sunday morning, if it was your birthday he gave you a dollar, and if you were a kid and lost a tooth, he gave you a dollar, and if you could produce the tooth he'd give you two dollars.

2. He gave unselfishly of his time (and things). Usually working with his hands. He was an extremely skilled craftsman. The pocket door in my house is straight and true because of his advice and help.

3. He was always cheerful, even when it was a struggle just to walk.

4. He finished well, not slowing down until the very end.

Paul you will be missed, deeply. Thanks for the example.

Facebook friends make your comments in the original post at Inside Kanakuk.

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