Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Photo Update and Thank you

Things have improved much since the beginning of the summer and most Kamp families are successfully viewing photos and finding their happy Kampers. At the same time we continue to have some issues with the timing of the galleries displaying photos. This is a problem on our end with the way our photography application sync's the photos with SmugMug. It's quite complicated because we are uploading hundreds and hundreds of photos every day and they have to get into the right galleries in addition to being approved by our photo supervisors.

There was a problem with the K-Seven photo galleries for a couple of days, but as of this morning they were working again. It is helpful to have people let us know when there are missing photos. It has been difficult to give personal attention to each and every email and message. Sorry about that, but I assure you we look into every situation and work hard to remedy quickly. We also are taking all feedback and suggestions, compiling them so that we can be better next summer.

So many parents have added notes to their emails or said things when they call to encourage our team as many are putting in long hours and trying to think creatively about making the system better. Thank you for the kind words!

A new term starts tomorrow and some of the photographers will be new. They are receiving additional training over the next couple of days and are ready to get started snapping those pictures. There goal is to get a minimum of 100 "good" photos each day and to have them posted and approved by Noon the next day. Many times this occurs earlier than that and sometimes it takes a little longer. I know it is so fun to see your Kampers, we have fun looking at the pictures too! It really is a labor of love to provide them.

If you are on your way to Kamp we can't wait for you to get here!
Facebook friends make your comments in the original post at Inside Kanakuk.

1 comment:

Teri said...

Any ETA on when counselors and their families will be able to access pics? I miss being able to "see" what is happening.
