Friday, July 11, 2008


At many of the Kanakuk Kamps, Kampers are placed into tribes for competitions. The two boy tribes are Cherokee & Choctaw. The two girl's tribes are Kiowa & Kickapoo. Our first son, went to Kamp and was put in the Cherokee tribe, and then our our second son was a Cherokee and so our third boy when he's old enough to go will be a Cherokee. Then their sons will be Cherokees and on and on. Our daughter Hannah, attended Kamp third term and she is a Kickapoo.

I was riding to lunch with her yesterday on a "Daddy date" and she was telling me all about her time at Kamp. It sure is fun to get a 7 year old's perspective on the Kamp experience. She was telling me about all the funny skit characters at Kamp, about "The Man" who stole the Bumble Bee on the Spy Party day, and then about the first day of tribal competitions. The boy tribe, the Choctaws, were a focus of the stories. And throughout she was calling them the "Chocktalks". I said, "You mean Choctaws?" "No Dad. ChockTALKS!" I stand corrected. But, most importantly I realized that even to a 7 year old, Kamp is about having an experience that begins your independence. Right or not she has taken ownership of that 13 day period of her life. She stood her ground. I like that. Now over the course of the next year her brothers and I will say "Choctaw" and by next summer she will be too.

She might not fully understand God right now either, she has prayed the sinner's prayer and I have seen an increase in sensitivity to spiritual things, but it's still a little fuzzy. That's how we all are. When we believe in Christ, there is a radical, complete, and eternal change of our hearts but the day to day, Christian life is a transformational process . Us understanding God and God transforming us. We'll do the best we can to help things into focus, to back-up the Holy Spirit's work in her life. If you are around Hannah can you show her what you know about Jesus?

Facebook friends make your comments in the original post at Inside Kanakuk.

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