Monday, June 13, 2011

Kanakuk-isms Monday - Bumblebee Award

It's come to my attention that we here at Kanakuk say some pretty strange words and expect people to know what we are talking about. So it has been my executive decision to take a little time out of each Monday to define a few of these terms for you! Some times they might even have pictures!

Today's word is "Bumblebee." Some time during your Kamper's term someone will be given the bumblebee award. This award is given to the Kamper who overcomes a challenge they are faced with.

You see, bumblebees are said to overcome impossible odds whenever they fly. Their wings are so small that it would seem they would never be able to get off the ground. They do, however. They refuse to let anyone say they are incapable of doing something just because it may be challenging.

There are many big challenges at Kamp. Whether its a high element like the zipline or slide or something brand new like canoe or kayak. We love to be there to encourage Kampers when they aren't sure if they can do it. We want them to know that God created us each uniquely and just as he helps the bumblebee overcome incredible odds He will be with us and help us through anything we are faced with!

Bumblebees can fly! Just believe in yourself!

Facebook friends make your comments in the original post at Inside Kanakuk.

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