Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ice makes Kanakuk Flexible

What will no doubt go down as the Ozark's ice storm of 2009 is upon us. Normally this time of day the offices of Kanakuk Ministries are buzzing with phone calls, meetings and planning for the summer. Yesterday about 3:00 the freezing rain started coming down. By the time I left the offices at 4:00 the roads were getting icy. I even took a short detour through the ditch on the way home. As of this morning it's worse, much worse. A mix of sleet and freezing rain continued all night and promises to go on all day. I'm watching the tree branches outside my window slowly bow under the pressure.

So today, Kanakuk's registration department, marketing department and many other offices are staying put at home.

We will be monitoring email and phones the best that we can. If you have registration questions please email reg@kanakuk.com and we'll get back to you.

So, in the marketing department an ice storm may keep us out of the office but not from working. There are too many fun things to get ready for summer. We are working on changes to the website, a logo for the 2009 summer theme (Dare to Dream!), and keeping all the communication flowing.

2008 term videos are on there way to Kanakuk families in the next 2-3 weeks.

Hope your family is warm and safe while here at Kanakuk we get a chance to exercise our K-Flex skills.

Facebook friends make your comments in the original post at Inside Kanakuk.

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